Per 55 Minute Session $125 or 5 sessions for $550
Muscle Activation Techniques is a noninvasive system used to restore symmetry and balance to the body's muscular system by improving range of motion, joint stability and muscle strength.
Muscle Activation Techniques® has a specific and unique process for evaluating an individual’s ability to produce efficient muscle contraction. Loss of muscle contraction results in a decreased range of motion, and therefore decreased physical performance.
Range of motion testing can indicate which muscles have decreased contractibility, and precise forces are applied to restore that muscle’s efficiency.
As a MAT® Certified Specialist Jennifer is trained and certified to perform several force application techniques that can restore function and strengthen weak muscles.
Learn how to adapt your Pilates repertoire & integrate other modalities into your work in order to safely & effectively work to the best of your ability.
Neurokinetic Therapy (often called NKT) is a type of natural therapeutic system that has the goal of correcting learned movements and muscle functions within the body that can contribute to poor posture, joint tenderness and muscular pain. Considered to be a “ movement assessment therapy “, NKT is often used in rehabilitative and corrective exercise type settings to assist in overcoming injuries and reducing chronic pain. control center in the cerebellum stores all the coordination patterns of the body.
Jennifer Christophel's own program that merges the techniques of hydrating fascial release and trigger point therapy with the stabilization of pilates based, corrective exercise.
Whether you are not ready to go back into the conventional fitness world after an injury or if you deal with chronic pain and inflammation due to a musculoskeletal problem, we can help you overcome those obstacles and get fit, flexible and strong!
Using the Melt Method Techniques and TriggerPoint Therapy techniques, we can help you overcome chronic inflammation and pain and to move better and more efficiently.